Saturday, December 11, 2010

Emperor Rudolph II reincarnated in Kazakhstan

Fellow alchemists and other magicians seeking the opportunity to get state funding for your alchemical experiments, please note that Kazakhstan is the place to be.

Sure, it's a little unstable, but if you believe all the hype, the US will be in just as bad of shape shortly. The UK too, I'm sure. So you know, ex-pat seekers, throw together an Elixir of Life formula that looks plausible, and you've got a free ticket for as long as it lasts.

Note the fate of those who failed Rudolph though. Things to remember.


  1. Alchemical science make proud glorious nation of Kazakhstan, nice.

  2. I wonder how he feels about the "take my money and run" approach...

  3. So they want to learn how to live become the immortals on the earth...

    70% of the indiginous population are Muslims....why am I getting that red alert feeling??!

    *Reaches for the manuscript of the 38th aether* :)


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