Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Published: Rending the Veil

I got featured!

The editor at Rending the Veil online magazine and I cleaned up an old blog post of mine about conjuring spirits, and it's the "Feature" article of this edition, so far.


  1. Congratulations! I'm heading over there now to take a look. :)

  2. I haven't read it yet, though I recognized stuff I'd already read from your blog when I skimmed it.

    As a professional editor, I'm curious to see how the material was reworked.

    Nice layout!

    Congrats! You da man! You da man!

  3. Congrats! I think I'll be putting this to use next week!

  4. Looks excellent. I recall reading this article more or less, but getting published is always a little bit special (at least for me).

  5. Congratulations, always good to have somebody else publish your work =)

    I'll have to take a look later this afternoon and see how it turned out.


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