Monday, December 12, 2011

New Year, New You: I'm in!

Deb is acting on the prompts of her Genius again...

Duhn duhn duhn!

One thing I've learned is that when the Genius starts kicking a magician, interesting times are on the way.

So what's it all about? Basically it's all about doing magic like a motherfucking boss. Living as a magician. Using the powers that we've earned through our spiritual progression to make the world what we want it to be. Acting as if what we believe were really true. Here's how she put it in her post:
Get up, get up!  Don't miss this moment.  Create magics great and small, mundane and mystical.  Find everything you've been looking for, mysteries revealed in every form of divination and song and when you fuck it up, when you are too tired to try, bring each other up from bloodied knees to get back up smiling.  You are all made of stars and you have stardust in your veins.  Do something about it.

Regular readers of my blog know that's what I'm all about, and it's how I live my life. I do magic for everything. I do magic on my kids to help them at school, I do magic on their teachers and administration, I enchant my local government and neighborhood businesses, I enchant the fuck out of my company, and there are literally no issues in my life that I have not done some kind of magic to influence at some point. My car runs on magic.

I started living this way a few years ago. Last year, I got a bit more organized, but I'm behind on several aspects of the projects I started. I have several major magical projects underway, including but not limited to:
  • Consciously Integrating the Forces and Lessons of the 8th Sphere
  • Continued Kingdom Management
  • Centers for Applied Hermetics
There are other less major things, but these are the largest things on my list. They're already in process, but I think they'll count for this project. I'll make the parts public that I can, and I'll be responding to her prompts as they arrive.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. It's not often I get a chance to participate in someone's Genius-prompted-excursion that doesn't involve dipping into the High Weirdness, and I feel really at home there.

So what are you up to? Ready to jump on in and do magic like a boss?


  1. Dear Fr and Friend RO:

    I do totally share the sentiment, I live my life doing magic for everything, magic is everything, is what it moves the wheel of creation.

    I do magic even when i'm driving, since when a magician gets to the point of communion with the spiritual beings, the magician doesn't need a full temple-ritual to move the wheel; you just need the will...

    I watched the movie The Green Lantern, and line keeps going over and over in my head: "...your constructs are strong as your will...".

    I love to do a full-blown ritual, but when you live a life of magic, you attain the power to do it without what we call "tools".


  2. Fr VL:

    Sorry I didn't get your comment approved earlier, it slipped through the cracks.

    You're one of my inspirations when it comes to magic, someone who keeps me focused because I see how your focus brings results.

    I've learned some techniques that would make magic without tools possible, and a lot of my magic these days is tools-free, but at the same time, I don't talk about it like that because too many people are lazy and would want to drop all tools in all circumstances, or they might assume tool making is somehow "optional." Some of the most life-changing initiations I've been through were the result of creating the tools, and I don't think they can be skipped.

    But eventually the full blown rites aren't necessary for spirits you've worked with for years. After you've worked with them using tools and circles and crystals and smoke and fire.

    But I know you're not suggesting tools are optional, I just have a lot of young, lazy, inexperienced magicians who are always looking for ways to do as little as possible who read my blog, and I don't want them to think they can get away with skipping tools.

  3. I totally agree with you, and I confirm that my intention is not to say that tools are optional (and hopefully your topic will not deviate towards the use of tools).

    The spirit of my comment, was to agree with you the fact that magic is a lifestyle, is moving the wheel of creation; and success doesn't come by chance, it comes from dedication.



Thanks for your comments, your opinions are valued, even if I disagree with them. Please feel free to criticize my ideas and arguments, question my observations, and push back if you disagree.