Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dreamers, Romantics, Artists, Magicians...

Hey, take some time today and read Six Short Chapters of the Sacred Text. It's all in one blog post. Won't take you too long.

It's important.


  1. At first I was totally confused by the link. I thought maybe you had posted the wrong link. It makes more sense after reading it.

    My favorite quote:
    "My brain is mostly fried and I’ve asked her to explain The Ring Cycle in as few words as possible (“Don’t fuck with a real estate agreement once it’s been made, nothing good comes of it.”)."

  2. It is. It really is.

    It's amazing how much of magic is really about "damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead." Or "Keep working". It's not all about that, but it's a good percentage of the work.


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