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"Stop doing the things that make this necessary, and they won't be necessary."
Jason Miller pointed out that it's "Not that easy for most people," and it got me thinking about a lot of things.
Why ain't it that fuckin' easy? Why can't we just quit doing shit that sucks, and do things that make us happy instead? Why are we miserable, when we don't have to be? What's so hard about doing what we want to do?
And seriously, Jason's right. It's not that easy. We find ourselves stuck in weird shit, and the layers of dependencies get woven more tightly, and we find ourselves tied to situations with nets of obligation and fear. We compromise our happiness for what we think is our well-being. We don't take risks because it can impact us, or our families negatively.
I'm talking about jobs you can't leave because of medical insurance, or a family that expects to eat regularly. A relationship with a spouse or partner who makes you miserable, but you won't leave because you fear being alone, or you've got kids who you want to come from a nuclear family, or you made a promise you regret now but feel bound to fulfil anyway.
Believe me, I get it. I know how hard it can be. I spent years in a shit relationship for bullshit reasons I might go into sometime for you, if you want to hear some bullshit. I kept jobs I hated for the insurance coverage it provided my family. I poured myself into creating and maintaining a life I didn't even enjoy, and I didn't even end that life on purpose. It just broke down permanently at the end.
So I know all the reasons we don't do what we want. I understand how we get stuck in the lives where we're so miserable we need those fuckin' wires to put smiles on our faces so we can get through a day at work with all the other miserable people. I totally get it.
But it's bullshit. It's all bullshit, it's lies. Fucking damned lies.
You are completely free to start over at any point in your life. Today, right now. You are a powerful giant of an entity who has the potential to do amazing shit. You have power, real power to change your existence. It's not "easy," of course, but what is? It comes from sweat and pain, but the sweat dries, the pain passes, and you're left seasoned and salty... and fucking happy.
Remember happy? Happy.
I mean it, really. I'm not shitting you or being hypothetical or rhetorical. You can be happy.
It's a pain in the ass though, and the realm of happy lies on the other side of the fence. The barbed wire fence. The electrified barbed wire fence. With razor wire coils at the top. And big black dogs patrolling the grounds looking for escapees.
With big pointy teeth.
Basically, you need to become fully yourself. Fully aware of who you are, and what you are. You need to remember that you were born of immortal stock, a god in the flesh. You need to remember you were given the power to create your reality from the Seven Planetary Intelligences themselves. You need to remember what the Sun is all about, and what "light in extension" is all about. Every man and every woman is a star, ffs. Sole vice-regent and shit. You've got to learn how to position yourself to accomplish your desires.
You've got to learn to be a god.
That's where people like Harper and I come in. And Jason Miller, Michael Cecchetelli, the rest of the blogosphere who are too numerous to be named, a lot of my students and clients who I've helped... many an holy bard. We get called up to do stuff that reminds other people who they really are and what they can do, and some of them go on to become gods ruling their lives, while others go on to become the next generation of teachers who go on to remind more poeple who they are, and what they're capable of doing.
And that's basically what I responded to Jason with, that we need to write more books and teach people how to make it so easy. You go deep into the magic, you get the initiations, you go through the crap storms it stirs up, and you conjure more spirits to deal with it as you go along. You learn who you are, you remember your power, and you structure your life as you see fit. The more you do, the more you can do. Work the Kingdom magics, take authority and put it to work for you. It's not easy at first, because you don't know who you are and what you can really do.
I teach a course on this kind of thing. It's a crash course in my kind of Hermetics. It takes time, but it does wonders in the lives of people who really put it into practice. I also offer personal Hermetic Diagnoses to get a quick overview on your personal spiritual health from my perspective. And I've been known to take on clients to set up personal sessions to completely change their lives in 5 weeks. I'll post more details on that service in a bit, but I don't want this to be the place where I get into that.
Whatever you do, do it hard core, go deep and get through the shit as quickly as you can so you can move on to making life rock so we can laugh about shit over beers on the beach, or at the conferences when i come to your part of town.
Because that's awesome.
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